Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau found himself in a dilemma due to a slip of the tongue regarding the war in Gaza during a recent media interview.
Speaking to the press outside the Canadian Embassy in the US on Friday after the US-Partnership for Economic Prosperity summit in Washington, D.C, Trudeau nearly slipped up and called for a “ceasefire” when discussing the Gaza war. He promptly corrected himself, aligning with both the Canadian and American positions in rejecting a ceasefire and the halt of Israeli air strikes, causing him to stumble over his words.
After showing the video of Trudeau giving his remarks before journalists, the Canadian website Global News reported that the prime minister started to say “cease…” before pausing and calling for the “ceasing” of violence and a humanitarian pause in the ongoing Israeli bombardment of Gaza. “We need to see cease — We need to see a humanitarian pause so we can flow… We need to see [a] ceasing of… the levels of violence that we’re seeing,” Trudeau stumbled.
Internet users who shared the video on social media suggested that the slip up indicates his true views on the situation in Gaza adding that Trudeau should overcome diplomatic concerns and call for a ceasefire.
Canada stands with the US and Israeli positions in refusing to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, while several countries are demanding an immediate ceasefire due to the rising number of Palestinian casualties and extensive destruction in the region.
READ: PA refuses to accept tax revenues from Israel without Gaza’s share