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‘There are almost 100 journalists being killed in this war. So many medical teams, people with white flags were shot dead. Why do you think this one is an exception in this war?’

Israeli journalist Gideon Levy told the BBC it’s very clear Israel’s attack on clearly marked World Central Kitchen (WCK) vehicles was not a mistake, and an investigation will only conclude the name of the commander who gave the order. ‘How can it be a mistake when the cars are so signed? You saw the photos of the car from the roof. There is a huge sign of the organisation,’ he said. Levy said Israel has continuously targeted journalists, healthcare workers and civilians raising white flags over the course of this war, stating that the targeting of aid workers would be no exception. ‘For me, there's no difference between two weeks of shooting and bombarding Shifa Hospital and this. Same case. And when Al-Shifa was bombed for two weeks, most of the world kept silent,’ he said.

April 4, 2024 at 11:00 am