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Saudi involvement ‘extensive’ in 9/11 terror attacks suggests new evidence

May 22, 2024 at 3:43 pm

Memorial site for those killed during a memorial service on the 22nd anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks at the site where one of four hijacked planes struck the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, United States on September 11, 2023 [Celal Güneş – Anadolu Agency]

Startling revelations have emerged in a lawsuit brought by the families of the 9/11 terrorist attack victims against the government of Saudi Arabia, suggesting that the kingdom played a far more significant role than previously acknowledged. Prominent American magazine The Atlantic has reported on the details of the alleged Saudi complicity in the 11 September, 2001 attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington DC.

According to a 71-page document filed by the plaintiffs’ attorneys, Saudi government officials formed and operated a support network within the US that provided crucial assistance to the first cohort of 9/11 hijackers upon their arrival in the country. The filing contends that this network, which included Saudi diplomats and intelligence operatives, was not a group of rogue actors but rather a part of a larger conspiracy that involved the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington and senior officials in Riyadh.

The lawsuit specifically highlights the roles of Fahad Al-Thumairy, a former imam at a Los Angeles Mosque and an accredited diplomat at the Saudi consulate; and Omar Al-Bayoumi, who posed as a graduate student but was identified by the FBI as an intelligence operative. The plaintiffs allege that these individuals, along with other Saudi officials, provided the hijackers with logistical support, including lodging, transportation and assistance with immigration matters.

The Atlantic report also mentions that the lawsuit references FBI investigative reports, memos and other evidentiary materials that are currently under seal but are expected to be made public in the coming weeks. These documents allegedly corroborate some of the claims made in the filing, painting a damning picture of Saudi Arabia’s involvement in the 9/11 attacks.

If proven true, these allegations would fundamentally alter the prevailing narrative surrounding 9/11 and raise serious questions about the nature of the US-Saudi relationship. The revelations could also have significant implications for the long-running “War on Terror”, which has been predicated on the notion that Al-Qaeda terrorists acted largely independently in carrying out the attacks.

The Saudi government has long denied any involvement in 9/11, and its lawyers have contested the plaintiffs’ claims on various grounds. As the lawsuit progresses, the public release of key documents and the court’s assessment of the evidence presented will be watched closely by the international community and the families of the victims who have long sought answers and accountability for the tragedy that unfolded over two decades ago. 

READ: 9/11 victims claim ‘victory’ as name of Saudi official released by FBI