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Qatar consulate inauguration in Erbil to boost Kurdistan relations with Doha

May 26, 2024 at 4:13 pm

Secretary-General of Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr Ahmad Hassen Al-Hammadi(L) and Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations Safeen Dizayee(R). [@SafeenDizayee/Twitter/X]

Iraq’s Kurdistan Region is set to benefit significantly from the inauguration of the Qatari Consulate General in Erbil scheduled today, according to Omar Barzanji, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In a recent meeting with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Barzanji highlighted Doha’s plans to strengthen its relationship with Iraq, especially the Kurdistan Region. During an interview on Kurdistan24’s “Emro” news programme, Barzanji praised the KRG’s political and constitutional advancements, positioning it as an important player in international diplomacy.

Drawing from his experience as the Iraqi ambassador to Qatar until 2019, Barzanji noted the socio-economic and political progress in Qatar-Iraq relations, particularly with the Kurdistan Region. He recalled the warm receptions for Kurdistan Region’s President Nechirvan Barzani and Prime Minister Masrour Barzani during their visits to Doha, equating their status to that of heads of state.

Ahead of the consulate’s opening, Secretary-General of Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr Ahmad Hassen Al-Hammadi, arrived in Erbil on Friday to meet with Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations Safeen Dizayee and officially inaugurate the consulate.

“Welcomed the Qatari delegation led by Ministry of Foreign Affairs SG Ahmad Hassen Al-Hammadi, at Erbil International Airport,” Dizayee posted on X.

The delegation’s visit included meetings with key leaders in the Kurdistan Region. Qatar appointed its first consul general last year and has since been investing in the region and providing aid to displaced persons and refugees.

In December 2023, the KRG exported its first shipment of 500 tons of apples to Qatar, as part of a growing trade relationship. Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani also met with the Qatari delegation, discussing regional stability and bilateral ties in tourism, economy, and development.

READ: Qatar to build a conservation area for ‘rare birds’ in Iraq’s Kurdistan