Elbit Systems is Israel’s premier arms and military technology company, which claims that its drones are the backbone of the Israeli occupation forces. With 18,000 employees and sites across the world, its weaponry boasts being field tested i.e. used on Palestinians in the West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip. Israeli military officials and politicians serve on its board and sell weapons worldwide.
On 15 May 2022, a group of activists with Palestine Action UK, stormed the Elbit Systems site in Bristol, aiming to disrupt its operations while highlighting what the company does. The direct action protest led to the seven activists being arrested, charged and convicted in the British court. Two of the seven were Israeli dissidents with a track record of Palestinian rights activism. In this second of a two-part conversation, we are joined by Stavit Sinai, one of the two Israeli activists involved in the protest.
Dr. Stavit Sinai is a philosophy lecturer and Israeli anti-apartheid activist based in Berlin. She was formally imprisoned for taking direct action against Elbit Systems in the UK.
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