Two Israeli soldiers have been denied entry into Australia after being required to fill out a document regarding their role in war crimes, amid growing international awareness of the Israeli occupation army’s genocide in the Gaza Strip.
According to the Israeli newspaper Ynet News, two Israeli siblings – 24-year-old Omer Berger and 22-year-old Ella Berger – applied for visas to Australia two months ago along with their family members.
While the other family members had their visa applications swiftly approved, Omar and Ella were required to complete a 13-page form demanded of military personnel fighting in a conflict, as they both currently serve in Israel’s occupation military.
The form reportedly includes questions regarding their involvement in physical or psychological abuse, their roles as guards or officials in detention facilities, and whether they had participated in war crimes or genocide.
Neither Omer nor Ella Berger received any response from Australian authorities prior to their scheduled departure, according to reports, leading the sister to return to Israel while the brother remained in Thailand awaiting a response.
The incident comes as calls to hold Israeli occupation soldiers accountable for possible war crimes and human rights abuses in the besieged Gaza Strip, especially amid the charges levied against Israeli government and military officials in international courts including the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Australia has apparently distanced itself from any perception that it is scutinising Israeli military personnel and their roles in the Gaza genocide, however.
According to Australia’s Department of Home Affairs, no special treatment has been shown to Israeli citizens throughout the ongoing conflict, with a spokesperson reportedly highlighting that 11,000 visas for Israelis had been approved over the past year and insisting that such a long form about war crimes is simply routine procedure which is sometimes requested for individual applications.
Read: Israel summons Australian envoy over denial of visa for ex-minister Shaked