An opinion poll conducted by Israel’s Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs has revealed that 77 percent of Israelis oppose withdrawal from the occupied West Bank to the borders of pre-June 1967. This large majority oppose such a deal even it will bring peace with the Arab states and bring an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The idea of withdrawal was rejected “unequivocally”, according to the poll results published in the Israeli media. Three-quarter of the Israelis polled believe that the country needs to maintain its occupation forces on Palestinian territory.
When asked about the status of Jerusalem, 85 percent want to see a unified city under Israeli sovereignty, while 75 percent of those polled do not want to see control over Al-Aqsa Mosque passed to the Palestinians. They would also want to see control of the Buraq (Western/Wailing) Wall retained by Israel under any agreement reached with a future Palestinian state or other entity.