The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has made an open call to stand beside the Egyptian people and their independent choices without interference and warned of feverish US and Israeli attempts to derail the course of the democracy struggle. In a statement, the PFLP saluted the Egyptians demonstrating for the sake of freedom, dignity and social justice, as well as other Arab nations working to liberate their homelands from dictators and despots.
The PFLP confirmed its complete support for the choices made by the people in Egypt as they seek to build national institutions based on democratic values of justice and freedom. It called on Arab regimes to take heed of the lessons of Tunisia and Egypt and listen to the demands of the people as they seek to restore their national sovereignty and integrity.
“The struggle of the Palestinian people and our national liberation movement is an integral part of the struggle of the Arab commonwealth of nations; the liberation movement influences and is influenced but vigilance is required to strengthen our efforts and unity,” added the spokesman.
Source: Quds Press Service