Turkey’s pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) co-chairman Selahattin Demirtas has urged the Turkish government and armed members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to cease fire immediately.
Addressing the media at the HDP headquarters in Ankara Sunday, Demirtas said: “PKK weapons must be instantly silenced; their hands have to be taken away from triggers. The government should also state that operations against them would be stopped and it must open a dialog with an approach that would not include death.”
He said that his party was taking into consideration all recent developments and was discussing ways to prevent further violence in the country.
“Unfortunately, we lose a son every day and the mothers of this country cry every day,” he said. “No one has the right to make these mothers cry in a process, which was set off with the words: ‘do not let mothers cry’. No one has the right to do this, to this country and to its mothers,” he added.
He also said that the HDP party was against the use of violence and weapons, adding that the party deemed the recent acts of violence in the country as “unacceptable”.
“These conflicts have to be stopped immediately,” he said, adding that efforts were being made for a sincere new dialog where “no side deceives each other.”
The PKK is listed as a terrorist group by Turkey, the U.S. and the European Union.
Tensions between the Turkish army and the PKK have increased after a string of deadly attacks in the country.
Security forces have come under attack across the country since the July 20 Suruc bombing in southeastern Turkey, which killed 32 people. The bombing was believed to be carried out by Daesh.
Turkey has responded to the bloodshed by arresting more than 1,300 suspected supporters of outlawed groups, including Daesh and the PKK.
A “solution process” to end the 30-year conflict between Turkey and the PKK militants began in 2013. The process has stalled after the recent murders of a number of police officers and soldiers in the country.