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The poisoned American-Russian agreement

February 26, 2016 at 4:08 pm

There is a question that must be posed in all seriousness:

Why did the Russian-American agreement on a ceasefire in Syria coincide with Saudi Arabia and Turkey’s decision to interfere on the ground in Syria?

I would like to remind everyone that this agreement came about based on the joint statement made by Washington and Moscow on 22 February. It stipulates that all conflicting parties in Syria ceasefire by no later than midday today, Damascus time. The agreement will be put into effect at midnight tomorrow.

When we look at Russia’s policy since day one, the first thing we notice is that this policy is no longer the policy adopted by the former Soviet Union in dealing with the US, taking into consideration the interests of the countries that were considered under the cloak of communism at the time.

If we look at the issue of resolving the Syrian crisis from Moscow and Washington’s perspective, it is not surprising that it will be based on serving their interests. However, for it to be at the expense of the remains of children is hurtful. In this situation, international law becomes a string of words that have no meaning or weight in the face of such bold and evil acts committed by these global superpowers.

If we go back in time, specifically to 30 September 2015, the day Russia intervened in Syria, we find that Russia would not have interfered if it hadn’t been allowed to by the US. This is especially true in light of the severe petrol crisis and the consequences suffered by the Russian economy, given the decline in petrol prices on the international market. There is also no way, under any circumstance, that Russia would invade Syria against America’s will.

Therefore, this agreement was put into place in order to give international legitimacy to Russia’s presence in Syria. This agreement also aims to dispel any doubt that the US, Russia and its allies had intent in the past regarding the need to create a bacterial body, currently manifested in the form of Daesh, and to spread it in a demonic manner within the Arab body in order for this alliance to interfere in the affairs of the Arab region under the pretext of fighting terrorism and Daesh. This would allow these countries, mainly the US and Russia, to carry out their plans, either in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, or the rest of the Arab world. This agreement is irrefutable evidence for those who still believe the lie of Daesh, and it proves that this scarecrow was created by the world’s superpowers in order to re-map the Arab region, especially the Middle East.

This agreement eliminates the image in the minds of the masses that Russia’s bombing of civilians, including infants, women and the elderly, as well as its bombing of hospitals, schools and civil buildings all across Syria is considered a victory for Russia and a defeat for America. It is a victory for both countries.

The agreement also shows the true face of the evil forces that ganged up on the Arab region and promoted all the proposals that serve their interests at the expense of the Arab and Muslims lives. These proposals were suggested by these same forces, and presented as being the only solutions, refusing any others, and opposing anyone who deviates from the map these forces have drawn, labelling them as terrorist supporters.

In addition to this, the agreement aims to fragment the Syrian opposition once again and sever any tie that linked them to each other.

It also confirms the theory that there was a previous arrangement between American and Russia regarding the latter’s intervention in Syria, as well as complete cooperation and agreement regarding planning and mapping out what is happening in Syria today. This agreement is merely a legal sign of this evil work and an attempt to legitimise these actions in the eyes of the international community.

The agreement also hands over Syria’s Sunni Arab areas to Iran, just as Iraq was handed over in 2003. This is only one of the fruits of the Vienna nuclear agreement.

This agreement is the epitome of the meeting of Russian, American and Iranian interests at the expense of the Arab and Muslim region. It is a clear and explicit declaration of the birth of a new Sykes-Picot map to divide Syria, Iraq and perhaps even Turkey and other areas in the region.

It confirms that Russia, America and its allies are keen on the survival and continued existence of Daesh in order to grant legitimacy to all of the crimes these countries commit against the people of the region, especially the Syrians, given the systematic murder, displacement and expulsion they are currently suffering.

This agreement was made in order to breathe life into Bashar Al-Assad’s regime, which died a number of times and was resurrected, keeping Al-Assad as the political façade, which is what Russia and the US want, under the pretext of fighting Daesh’s terrorism.

The agreement also stresses that the issue of eliminating Daesh for good was never an American or Russian goal. On the contrary, they always give Daesh reasons to stay and continue to plant death, destruction and devastation in the Arab region and to intimidate and terrorise its people. On the other hand, Daesh is used to increase the sale of Russian and American weapons and continuously revive their markets.

This agreement aims to allow Daesh to continue to exist, as Daesh is considered the key and the red carpet for the American, Russian and Iranian alliance, as well as all of the global super powers to directly interfere in the Arab countries, either on a military or political level. The agreement acts as a means of pressure on every Arab or Muslim country that wants to liberate itself from the Russian-American decision.

Ultimately, by means of this agreement, it is completely clear to us that eliminating or attacking terrorism, Daesh in particular, was never any of these countries’ goal. It was merely a means to achieve goals that were planned in the past and are now starting to manifest, one after the other.

Translated from AlKhaleejOnline, 24 February 2016.