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Muslim Brotherhood deputy general guide conveys letter of solidarity to London Mayor

June 4, 2017 at 8:13 pm

Ibrahim Munir, Deputy General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, 23 May 2017

In the aftermath of Saturday’s terrorist attacks in London, the Deputy General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Ibrahim Munir, today conveyed his condolences to the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan and the families of victims. He said, “We affirm our solidarity with the British people against this heinous crime, which has caused immense pain to Muslims in the United Kingdom, indeed the world over, especially as it was perpetrated during the blessed month of Ramadan; the month of peace, tranquillity and prayers.”

In a letter to the Mayor, Ibrahim Munir said, “We affirm our solidarity with the British people against this heinous crime, which has caused immense pain to Muslims in the United Kingdom, indeed the world over, especially as it was perpetrated during the blessed month of Ramadan; the month of peace, tranquillity and prayers.”

Munir added, “Despite the gravity of the crime, it has not prevented tens of thousands of Muslims in London and other British cities from performing their prayers and worship in safety and security.”  For this, he said, “We owe our gratitude to the security agencies.”

In concluding his letter, the deputy general guide condemned the “despicable crime” in the strongest possible terms noting that it “contradicts all divine values and man’s peaceful nature.”