Some 3,647 Israeli settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque in August, Quds Press reported.
The number includes some 1,079 settlers who entered the area under Israeli security protection to commemorate what they call “the destruction of the Jewish temples” in early August.
Israeli placed tight controls on the entry of Muslims during that period, hindering Palestinian worshippers from entering the holy site.
Six settlers tried to pray in Al-Aqsa’s courtyards.
The settlers enter the area through the Mughrabi Gate and exit through Al-Salsala Gate.
Twenty members of the Israeli General Intelligence Service, Shin Bet, and 14 soldiers from the Israeli police forces were amongst the settlers, the correspondent added.
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On 29 August, the Members of the Israeli Knesset, Yehudah Glick and Shuli Moalem-Refaeli, stormed Al-Aqsa with a group of settlers after a nearly two-year ban.
During the same period, Israeli police forces banned 12 Palestinians from entering Al-Aqsa and the Jerusalem’s Old City for a period ranging from one week to a month, according to the agency’s reporter.
In August Al-Aqsa witnessed a notable increase in the number of Israeli raids compared to June and July. In July, some 3,315 Israelis stormed the mosque, while in June only 1,391 settlers raided the holy site.