Head of Popular Committee Against the Siege MP Jamal Al-Khodari said yesterday that Israel’s closure of Kerem Shalom crossing with Gaza caused the gradual collapse of the industrial and commercial sectors in the Strip, Shehab.ps reported.
In a press conference held in Gaza, Al-Khodari said: “The Israeli plan to tighten the siege on Gaza basically targeted Gaza’s economy by targeting the industrial and commercial sectors.”
The Israeli occupation authorities banned about 1,000 basic commodities from entering Gaza by closing Kerem Shalom (Karm Abu Salem), Al-Khodari said, noting that 100 per cent of the crude materials are being banned.
READ: By closing the final crossing, Israel is starving Gaza, Yousef
“The closure reduced the production capacity of Gaza factories by 60 per cent over the last two weeks due to the shortage of crude materials.”
According to the MP, the Gaza economy has started a gradual collapse, warning of a “full humanitarian, agriculture, economic, commercial and industrial breakdown due to the closure of the crossing.”
The MP said that about 2,500 trucks from Gaza, loaded with goods, have been waiting at Israeli ports as a result of the closure.
He called for not using the crossings as a political tool in an effort to avoid a humanitarian disaster.
On 9 July, Israel closed Gaza’s only commercial crossing further tightening the 12-year siege it has imposed on the beleaguered Strip.