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Spain: First response to Israel’s decision on Madrid Consulate in Jerusalem

May 25, 2024 at 1:18 pm

Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares​​​​​​​. [Dursun Aydemir – Anadolu Agency]

Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares commented on the Israeli authorities’ decision to cut off contact between the Madrid Consulate in Jerusalem and the Palestinians.

In an interview with the RAC1 channel on Friday, Albares stated that his country’s government will protest the Israeli decision to prevent the General Consulate in Jerusalem from serving the Palestinians of the West Bank.

Albares pointed out that the executive authority will analyse the declaration issued by Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz and that it will then be responded to, stressing that: “In the Spanish government, there are no antisemites. The Spanish government is tolerant, plural, diverse and does not accept any discourse of hate.”

He added that Spain’s decision to recognise Palestine does not go against Israel but instead comes from a belief that a Palestinian state is the best way to guarantee Israel’s security.

Albares added: “No one will intimidate us into refraining from demanding an immediate ceasefire and recognition of the State of Palestine.”

Earlier, Katz announced the decision to: “Sever the connection between Spain’s representation in Israel and the Palestinians, and to prohibit the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem from providing services to Palestinians from the West Bank” in response to Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announcing that his country would officially recognise the Palestinian state on 28 May.

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