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Houthis launch 2 anti-ship ballistic missiles toward Red Sea: US

May 26, 2024 at 11:14 am

People attend a graduation ceremony for cadet, completed their military training under the name of “Aqsa Flood”, organized by the Houthis, in Arhab district of Sana’a, Yemen on February 4, 2024 [Mohammed Hamoud – Anadolu Agency]

The Houthi group in Yemen launched two anti-ship ballistic missiles on Saturday toward the Red Sea, according to US Central Command (CENTCOM), Anadolu Agency reports.

“There were no injuries or damage reported by US, coalition, or commercial ships.

“This continued malign and reckless behavior by the Iranian backed Houthis threatens regional stability and endangers the lives of mariners across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden,” CENTCOM wrote on X.

The Houthi group has been targeting cargo ships in the Red Sea owned or operated by Israeli companies or transporting goods to and from Israel in solidarity with the Gaza Strip, which has been under an Israeli onslaught since Oct. 7.

The Red Sea is one of the world’s most frequently used sea routes for oil and fuel shipments.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced the creation earlier this year of a multinational mission, Operation Prosperity Guardian, to counter Houthi attacks.

READ: Houthis ‘launched attacks’ on 3 ships, including one in Mediterranean