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Rafah on fire: Israel bombs camp of displaced Palestinians

Israel has bombed tents of displaced Palestinians in a so-called 'safe zone' in Rafah, next to an UNRWA centre in the district of Tal As Sultan. The Gaza media office says at least 40 have been confirmed killed with many more injured. Israel fired tank shells and dropped 2,000lb bombs on the encampment in its attack. Staff at the Emirati Hospital in Rafah described the attack as a 'heinous massacre... in a clear and blatant defiance of all the decisions of the International Court of Justice'. Just two days earlier, on 24 March 2024, the ICJ ordered Israel to stop its offensive on Rafah.

May 27, 2024 at 1:55 pm

READ: Rafah images from Sunday night further proof that Gaza is ‘hell on earth’: UN agency