According to sources in the Governorate of Northern Sinai, the Governorate has suffered losses amounting to 33,495,183 Egyptian Pounds due to the events of 30th June.
The detailed losses include 55 burned vehicles: 10 belonging to the Customs Department, 6 to the Directorate of Roads and Bridges, 3 to the electricity company, a police vehicle for Aljfjafah police station, 23 for Bir al-Abed police station, 6 for Rummana police station, a vehicle for the Nakhel City Council and 4 vehicles for Ta’meer Sinai.
Among the losses are also 64 stolen spare parts, including: 25 electricity generators, 24 external bicycle frames, a carne, a tire, and a car’s engine belonging to the Customs Authority. The spare parts theft also includes 136 PCs, Laptops and photocopiers, as well as tools and car scales belonging to the directorates of roads, bridges and reconstruction, and the electricity company.
The losses in hardware, equipment and stationery amount to 107 pieces, while the losses in office furniture amount to 68 pieces. The civil damages include burning the private resting area in the office of the chairman of the city board, burning the lighting system of the City Council offices, breaking the glass and looting the wooden doors of commons areas, and burning 7 Arish city council offices, as well as other damages.