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Israeli forces detain Palestinian protesters in Al-Naqab

February 10, 2014 at 11:23 am

Israeli occupation forces carried out detention campaigns on Monday morning in the villages of Al-Sayed and Hora in the Al-Naqab, or Negev, the 48 Arabs news website reported.

The website noted that the detention campaigns targeted activists and Palestinian citizens who took part in anti-Prawer Plan protests held on Saturday.

A state of anger was reported among villagers in both villages. They condemned the detentions and described them as “kidnappings”.

They also denounced the use of “violent and savage force” by the Israeli occupation forces. They pointed out that the occupation forces do not respect the people. “The police want to terrorise the residents and put pressure on them in order for them to concede their rights,” a resident told the website.

Meanwhile, a human rights organisation announced that they are already following up the detentions with officials on the Israeli side.