The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) appealed on Tuesday to all sides to end the human suffering caused by the conflict in Syria, and resolve the differences through dialogue and political negotiations. UNRWA warned in a statement that Palestinian refugees in Syria are being killed, injured or displaced in numbers higher than before, at a time when the armed conflict continues to disrupt refugee camps all over the country.
The agency estimated that approximately 235,000 Palestinians inside Syria have been displaced. It expressed concern particularly about the news reports that were confirmed on Tuesday concerning the displacement of about 6,000 Palestinians on April 26 from Ein el-Tal, which is a Palestinian refugee camp located 12 kilometres from the north Syrian city of Aleppo.
“Ein El Tal is the latest manifestation of a cycle of catastrophic violence in which the conduct of all parties has transformed Palestine refugee camps into theatres of conflict in which heavy weapons are used, resulting in severe suffering for Palestinian civilians,” the UNRWA news release stated.