The Deputy Head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, Zaki Bin Irshaid, has called for the government to withdraw its ambassador from Syria and give more freedom to Syrian rebels based in the country. Mr. Bin Irshaid also called for diplomatic relations with the Syrian regime to be cut in order to isolate the regime, while also offering greater recognition to the National Syrian Council.
Despite the security challenges posed by such steps, the senior Brotherhood official declared that he has full confidence in Jordan’s Intelligence Services’ ability to keep the country safe.
Speaking on Al-Arabiya TV, the Islamist leader looked hopeful when he spoke about the completion of a Muslim Brotherhood crescent as and when the Syrian regime is deposed. “This is natural if it is fulfilled through the ballot box,” said Bin Irshaid. “We understand that governments based on the exclusion of opposition are the worst ruling systems.”
Comparing the experience of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan and Egypt, Bin Irshaid said that the Brotherhood in Egypt recognised the superiority of Jordan’s experience over theirs. “The evidence on that was clear when Jordanians advised Egyptians not to take part in the 2010 elections in Egypt, and that was an absolutely correct decision.”
He denied that there is international Brotherhood involvement or interference in national activities. “Every national group has its own peculiar policy,” he said. Internationally, the Muslim Brotherhood has convened a meeting to consider allegations about using “political money in electoral campaigns in Jordan” and to examine some differences among members there.
“The allegations have not been proved,” Bin Irshaid insisted. “Differences inside the organisation are not a problem; the problem exists when there is no way to deal with such differences.”
On the question of the allegations that Egyptian gas has been blocked from being sent to Jordan as part of a conspiracy between the Egyptian Government and Muslim Brotherhood in Amman, Bin Irshaid was adamant that this is not true. He said that the movement had been ready to mediate in the matter but stepped back when the Jordanian government made it clear that it had already sorted it out.
When asked about the boycott of elections in Jordan, Bin Irshaid said that it was important for the Muslim Brotherhood to listen to the people on the street. “That’s more influential than the parliamentary opposition,” he said. “In any case, none of the parties are calling for regime change, simply reform.”