In an interview with Israel ’s Army Radio broadcaster, Ghazi Barakai, the former Mossad chief, Ephraim Helevy, launched a scathing attack on the Palestinian Authority (PA) and its security forces describing it as a burden that had to be eliminated.
Halevy said Saeb Erekat and his powerless authority are shooting an empty gun and all they do is ask for Israeli and U.S aid. He added if Israel and the U.S. stopped helping the PA financially, it would collapse and that its president and its agencies have to realize this and tone their threats to Israel down or.
The former Mossad chief said, “there is no more need for the PA president and it is time to get rid of him as he is a burden to Israel , along with his institutions. Israel has to work on finding replacements for him.”
Shocked by the speech, the Israeli broadcaster asked Halevy if the replacement is going to be Hamas. He replied: “Yes, Hamas. We already have opened lines with Hamas a while ago, so why hide it? Whether in the Shalit issue or any other and this is better than the PA, its president, ministries, and security apparatus, which must be eliminated.”
Halevy continued his frenzied attack against the PA its president and Mohammed Dahlan personally, whom he accused of investing hundreds of millions of dollars in projects in Libya . He continued saying that the PA’s security agencies are ineffective and that they do not go after the resistance pointing out that the Shin Bet is the one that does the work, otherwise, military operations against Israel would have continued.
The former Mossad chief who is now president of the “Dilute” strategic research unit in the Hebrew University, called publicly for the overthrow of president Abbas, the defeat of his security services, undermining of their authority and stopping the American and Western aid to it as well as launching dialogue with Hamas.
Source: Maan