A Palestinian prisoner Ahmed Yellowish, from Nubani farms near Ramallah, who is serving a 13 year sentence has reported that, “Raymon Prison management is imposing sanctions on the prisoners for trivial reasons”.
Yellowish pointed out that sanctions imposed by the administration have become a dreadful reality. “This needs to be checked urgently by human rights organizations, and with representation to the Israeli Court of Appeal,” said Yellowish.
Yellowish added that the authorities do not specify the punishment for violations. “They impose two or more punishments for one violation on some occasions”. In addition, they transfer prisoners to different cells and prohibit their relatives from visiting.
Meanwhile, Ahmed Abdel Mohsen, the prisoners’ representative in Eichel prison, verified reports of a decision taken by the prison medical officer for prisoners Halsah Rami, and Murad Muhammad Daoud to pay half the cost of the medication they receive. As a result, the prisoners stopped taken their medications in order to force the administration to reconsider its decision.
Qaddura Faris, President of the Palestinian Prisoners Forum, said the “decision is a precedent, adding to the catalogue of violations practiced against prisoners.” He urged the international community, and human rights organizations to defend the prisoners. Faris regarded the incident as a prelude to make all prisoners pay for medicines.
Faris confirmed there is now a growing pattern of neglect of Palestinian prisoners’ health care in Israeli jails. The treatment and medication provided at present is scant and in many instances non-existent, he pointed out.
Source: Maan