The evil gang of American Likud supporters condemn themselves twice over when they defend the Israeli government’s terrorist acts against the Palestinians. They condemn themselves first and foremost when they publish articles, declare positions and organise protests in favour of Israel, and second when they make vacuous statements condemning the crimes of the Zionist state and its supporters, as if they did not themselves defend Israel in the first place.
I read that the US National Society for Women’s Studies voted on a resolution calling for the boycott of Israel. This began in 2014 when Women for Justice in Palestine called for a boycott and 2,500 of its members called for the freedom of Palestinians. Israel said that the number of members voting for the boycott within the National Society for Women’s Studies fell to only 35 per cent this year. This number may have declined because the outcome is already guaranteed, or maybe this percentage shows the number of supporters last year. However, the evil gang is on the verge of considering the condemnation of Israel as a victory for itself, and the women of America have followed the students in joining the boycott.
The hatred of this gang floats to the surface day after day. I read reports claiming that the Canadian left-wing government “dismissed” soldiers in order to make room for refugees. Of course no government would dismiss its own soldiers, but rather would find them alternative accommodation. On the other hand, the Likudians prefer to condemn the left-wing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the son of Pierre Trudeau, whose popularity has reached as far as Europe, where he was recently treated like a celebrity.
In addition to this, I read a despicable article in which the writer poses the question “Am I racist?” because he is opposed to the entry of 35,000 Syrian refugees into Canada. The answer is yes; you are racist, just like every member of the Israeli government and the terrorist coalition parties. Syrian refugees will improve the capabilities of Canada if and when the country embraces them.
What has angered this gang most recently is the evidence that has emerged to suggest that New York’s Statue of Liberty, sculpted by French artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, is based on an Egyptian peasant woman. They deny Western information on the issue, and by doing so they are only condemning themselves. When Egypt was producing the world’s civilisation, where were they? Living in trees?
The most tasteless act on Israel’s part is the way it and its supporters dealt with the story of Jewish-American spy Jonathan Pollard, who was released after 30 years in prison for exposing American official secrets to Israel. The right-wing extremist newspaper Jerusalem Post said that the conditions of his release are very harsh. I say that they are nothing compared to his betrayal of his country. He deserves to be hanged, not just imprisoned.
The newspaper also blatantly talked about Palestinian “terrorism” during the peace process in an article that begins with a discussion of the recent terrorist acts in Paris before moving on to the Palestinians.
The only terrorism in the Middle East is the terrorism of Israel and of terrorist groups such as Daesh, Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda etc. The Palestinians, although they do carry weapons, even if they are only sticks, stones and knives, are fighting for freedom. Their country is occupied and Israel’s terrorism is killing men, women and children every day. Resisting Israel’s terrorism is a duty and remaining silent in the face of it is a betrayal similar to Jonathan Pollard’s betrayal of America.
I will conclude by saying that President Barack Obama was not spared from criticism by the US-Likud gang when he stressed the universal values of human rights at the Paris Climate Summit. They replied: “No, Mr President, they are not universal.” And they are right – in the eyes of Israel, at least, there is no such thing as universal human rights.
Translated from Arabi21, 7 December 2015.
The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.