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Yemen army regains control of Taiz camp

June 5, 2017 at 11:54 am

Image of Yemeni soldiers [Islamic Voice Of Turkey/Facebook]

Yemen’s national army regained control of Al-Tashrifat military base in Taiz after several days of fierce fighting with the Houthi group, Al-Arabiya reported.

Forces loyal to President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi advanced towards the military base in Taiz and claimed the lives of dozens of Iranian-backed Houthi fighters.

The advancement comes after the Yemeni national army regained control of the presidential palace in Taiz, following fierce battles which lasted over a week.

Read: Yemen cuts diplomatic ties with Qatar

The attack on the palace was supported by the Saudi-led coalition against the Houthi group.

A Saudi-led coalition began a military campaign in Yemen in March 2015 with the aim of preventing Houthi rebels from taking control of the country.

Earlier today, the coalition ended Qatar’s participation in the fight against the Houthis after Saudi, the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and Hadi’s government in Yemen severed ties with the Gulf State.

Read: UAE, Saudi campaign to end Qatar’s independence

Qatar said today it was facing a campaign of lies and fabrications aimed at putting the state under guardianship.