Egyptians who oppose the military coup led by President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi are suffering “slow murder” at the hands of the state while in prison, the Muslim Brotherhood has warned in an open letter to the Egyptian ambassador to the UK.
“We are facing a deteriorating situation caused by the inhuman ways which contradicts our religious principles, the Constitution, and international and Egyptian laws,” the group added.“The practices and policies adopted against these kidnapped prisoners and which have become known to everyone abroad and in Egypt, constitute slow murder.”
Signed by Deputy General Guidance Counselor of the Muslim Brotherhood, Ibrahim Munir, the letter warned that people are becoming too consumed with life on earth and forget about what is to come.
“The hearts have become tough and dominated by the love for life and fame, which made them forget petrified graves and the horror of standing in front of the Almighty King when there comes As-Sakhah (the deafening blast). A day when a man will flee from his brother, mother, father, wife, and children, for every man that day will have enough to make him careless of others. At that moment, then there will be bright faces laughing and rejoicing at good news and there will be other dust-stained faces covered with darkness.”
Read: Egypt must halt arbitrary arrests of opposition, says HRW
“This situation will not continue no matter how long it will take,” Munir said, adding: “It is a message that I hope you convey to those who are responsible for the current situation which is getting worse.”
“Leave the country alone, retreat, stop abusing the lost legitimacy and restore people’s rights and the balance of justice before the flood that we fear on our dear Egypt comes, and before Judgment Day comes.”