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Thousands to take part in week of action for Palestine 

November 25, 2020 at 12:42 pm

Protesters gathered in front of the Israeli Embassy in central London, UK on 30 March 2018 [Palestinian Forum in Britain]

Thousands are set to take part in a week of action to mark the UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Events organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) to highlight Israel’s continued violations of international law, including its illegal annexation plans, will run from 25 November to 2 December across Britain.

The PSC’s student day of action is today. Research for the organisation has found that British universities invest over £450 million in companies complicit in Israel’s grave violations of Palestinian human rights. They include companies on the UN Human Rights Office list of business enterprises involved in illegal Israeli settlements established on stolen Palestinian land. Hundreds of students supported by the PSC’s youth and student committee will be taking action on social media to demand that their universities divest from such companies. Letters will also be sent to university senior management teams.

This Saturday, 28 November, has been declared as a national day of action. The Israeli government is pressing ahead with its gross violations of international law and human rights, accelerating the colonisation of yet more Palestinian land. Participants in the day of action will flood social media to put pressure on the British government to ban trade with illegal Israeli settlements and to implement sanctions, including a two-way arms embargo, until Israel complies with international law. Protesters will also be calling on public bodies to ensure that they are not investing funds or procuring contracts with companies complicit in Israel’s human rights abuses.

READ: Students urge UK universities not to adopt controversial definition of ant-Semitism

There will also be an online rally for Palestine on Sunday, 29 November. Thousands of people have already registered to take part in the rally, which will be co-hosted by Jewish Voice for Peace and the National Committee of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The programme will feature artists, activists, political organisers and trade unionists, with appearances from prominent figures such as Joshua Virasami, Maxine Peake, Noura Erakat, Aja Monet and Omar Barghouti.

The final event of the PSC’s week of action will be a virtual lobby of parliament on Wednesday, 2 December. Hundreds of people are arranging to meet their MPs online to discuss Israel’s annexation plans which violate international law, its illegal settlements and its apartheid policies. Participants will be asking their elected representatives to take action through a trade ban, sanctions and the signing of Early Day Motion 1140 on “Demolition of Palestinian homes” and EDM 1139, “Israeli annexation of Palestinian land”.