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Hamas responds to Israeli claims about rescue of prisoner of war

October 31, 2023 at 9:27 am

Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem [hazemaq/Twitter]

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, has responded to the Israeli occupation government’s announcement that a female soldier who was held as a prisoner of war by Al-Qassam Brigades in the Gaza Strip has been freed.

“With regard to the allegations of the Zionist occupation terrorists about the liberation of a female soldier, we confirm that this was intended to distract from the video of the female prisoners that Al-Qassam broadcast today, which caused a great shock to the Zionist community,” said Izzat Al-Rishq, a member of the Hamas political bureau. “The claims are an attempt to escape the pressure that the issue of the occupation detainees represents on Netanyahu and his government. No one believes the false Zionist narratives, and even the Zionist community itself does not believe its leaders.”

Hamas spokesperson, Hazem Qassem, also confirmed that “the occupation will not obtain its prisoners except through an exchange deal that includes all of our prisoners,” noting that Israel claims to seek to liberate its prisoners, but it is putting their lives in danger with its indiscriminate attacks.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the occupation army claimed that they freed a female soldier after coordination between the army and the Shin Bet internal security agency. According to Netanyahu, “Tonight, army conscript Uri Magedish was freed after she was kidnapped by Hamas. The soldier was medically examined, and she is in good condition, and she met her family.” The IDF and the Shin Bet, he added, will continue to work to release the kidnapped people.

The claim about the rescue followed the release of a video by Al-Qassam Brigades showing three Israeli female prisoners attacking Netanyahu strongly, and holding him responsible for their detention.

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