Numerous votes and resolutions were voted on at the international governing body over the past year. In an historic move, the UN General Assembly declared Israel's occupation of Palestinian land illegal and indistinguishable from a ‘settler-colonial’ situation, calling for reparations to be paid to Palestinians. This followed on from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) deeming Israel’s occupation illegal in July.
However the global body has come under increased criticism for being unable to stop the bloodshed in Gaza.
In spite of its inaction, on 2 October, Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz announced that he has designated UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres ‘persona non grata’, meaning the diplomat cannot enter Israel. The occupation state has long claimed the world body has an ‘anti-Israel’ bias, with its envoy to the UN claiming earlier in October 2024 that the UN is 'stained by anti-Semitism'.
Israel treatment of Palestinian workers denounced at UN meeting
UN: Israel is 'exterminating' Palestinians
UN: 'Israeli army is the most criminal army in the world'
‘Historic moment’ as Palestine takes permanent seat at UN
Human rights lawyer on UN’s 1-year deadline for Israeli occupation
ICC Prosecutor threatened: Court 'built for Africa and thugs like Putin'
ICC seeks arrest warrants for Israel PM Netanyahu, DM Gallant
UN General Assembly backs Palestinian bid for membership
What's happening to children here? The worst thing I've seen in my 20 years with UNICEF’
'You are making the ground shake': Earthquake at UN Security Council briefing on the situation for children in Gaza
'If there is doubt about the status of a target, it must be presumed to be civilian'
ICJ: Israel has not done enough to protect Gaza's civilians
ICJ orders Israel ‘to immediately halt’ Rafah offensive
ICJ issues ruling on call for urgent measures to stop Israel's attack on Rafah
'Liars': Israeli lawyer heckled at ICJ hearing
Israel: Our lead defence team couldn't come to ICJ
'Gaza faces apocalyptic levels of injustice'
'ICJ must act or rebuilding Gaza will be impossible'
South Africa provides evidence of Israel's violation of the Genocide Convention at the ICJ
‘Do you think any government officials wrote a document saying I want to commit genocide?’
‘I don't mean to be rude, but can you really keep a straight face as you ask me this question?’
UN expert: Israel has committed genocide in Gaza, calls for arms embargo
‘Israel is creating the conditions which are calculated to bring about the destruction of the Palestinians as a protected group.’
‘It is a stain on our collective humanity that such a situation is artificially unfolding under our eyes’
UN experts say Israel intentionally starving the Palestinian people in Gaza
Guterres: ‘Nothing justifies collective punishment of Palestinians’
UN official deems kill rates in Gaza highest in the world since Rwandan genocide
Palestine at the ICJ: Israel has given Palestinians 3 options, displacement, subjugation or death
Palestine at the ICJ: Israel's illegal occupation must be 'terminated completely'
Palestine at the ICJ: Israel’s undisguised objective is permanent acquisition of occupied territory
Palestine at the ICJ: Israel cannot have right of veto over Palestinian self-determination
Palestine at the ICJ: 'A permanent occupation is a legal oxymoron'
Concept, research and text: Sara Khalil
Videos: Middle East Monitor
Development: MEMO's Digital Team