The manifesto written by Norway’s terrorist, Anders Behring Breivik, ahead of the July 22 attacks reflects a zealous support for Israel and an intense hostility toward Muslims and other cultures. According to Israel Today, the word ‘Israel’ was mentioned more than 300 times in the 1,500 page manifesto published by Breivik under a pseudonym and entitled “2083: A European Declaration of Independence”. The manifesto, which praises Zionism’s founder, also highlights the mass murderer’s staunch support for Zionism.
Parallel to his praise and support for Israel, Breivik attacked European political institutions and the European Union, accusing them of not sympathizing with Israel. He hailed Israel for not giving citizenship rights to Muslims living within the state – unlike Europe which had opened its gates to them giving them citizenship rights and, according to Breivik, additional rights.
The manifesto also reflected Breivik’s in depth knowledge of the internal Israeli party politics, and praises Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who formed a coalition government with ultra-right winger Avigdor Lieberman. This coalition was formed despite Netanyahu being aware that it would anger US President Barack Obama and harm bilateral relations between the two countries.
The murderer called for an end to the ‘stupid’ support for the Palestinians saying, “It’s time to end the stupid support for the Palestinians and begin to support our cultural cousins – Israel.” He also blasts Norway for awarding a Nobel peace prize to late Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.