The Secretary General of the Al-Wasat Party, Mohamed Abdul Latif, revealed that during the rule of elected President Mohammed Morsi an agreement had been reached between party members to nominate Egypt’s Defence Minister General Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi as prime minister instead of Hisham Qandil, however Morsi had refused.
According to Abdul Latif, at the time General Al-Sisi was a national figure that everyone could agree upon.
Abdul Latif described the army’s involvement in the political process as “unjustified”, pointing out that to overcome the current political crisis all parties should agree to an unconditional dialogue.
The Secretary General of Al-Wasat Party also asserted that the party is still intact, despite the arrests of its President, Eng. Aboul-Ela Madi, and Vice President, Essam Sultan, stressing that Al-Wasat is still active. Abdul Latif denied claims of splits within the party or dismantling it due to a few members’ resignations, saying that, “the resignations do not affect the party’s work”.
According to Abdul Latif, the new constitution currently being drafted only reflects one political persuasion and therefore it might not survive even if it is approved in a referendum. He explained that, “the chances for a boycott of the referendum or a vote of ‘no’ are high”. Abdul Latif pointed out one article in particular that indicates the country’s President can appoint the Defence Minister only with the approval of the armed forces, saying that this establishes the basis for an “armed forces dictatorship.”