The Egyptian group Gamaa Islamiya has condemned the killing of detainees in the Abu Zaabal prison, arguing that the victims, including opponents of the military coup, were killed in a brutal manner. The group believes that this bloody episode is only the latest in a series of crimes, and shows the criminality of the military regime.
“Not only did the criminals of the coup’s Interior Ministry kill unarmed [detainees],” the Gamaaa Islamiya said in a press statement, “but they also returned to telling exposed lies, as most of the victims had been horribly tortured. All of them have incised wounds to the head, others have smashed skulls, and all were injured with sharp tools in most parts of their bodies. Also, all the victims’ heads were burned up to their necks so that the crimes would be hidden. And now they are trying to force their families to receive the corpses on the basis that the victims died of asphyxiation.”
The Islamic group stressed that these crimes cannot be committed freely by an elected government, nor by a coup government, but only by a government of the jungle and that these barbaric practices will only increase the Egyptian peoples’ will and determination to continue to work towards bringing down this coup regime. The group added that they do not know where human rights organizations and those who claim to be pro-freedom have disappeared to amid these shameful acts.