According to Ahrar Centre for Prisoners’ Studies and Human Rights, Israel still has a number of prisoners from Jerusalem who have been in prison since before the signing of the Oslo Accords more than 20 years ago. The men have been neglected by all peace agreements and Israel has refused consistently to release them over the past two decades.
Fouad Khuffash, the centre’s director, said that five prisoners have Jerusalem identity cards and are thus regarded by Israeli law as “legal citizens”. However, Israel refuses to include them in prisoner exchange deals under the pretence that they are Israeli nationals, while it continues to practice clear racial discrimination against them.
The five prisoners are Yasin Abu Khudair, serving a 28 year sentence; Bilal Abu Hussein, sentenced to 38 years; Mohammed Daajna, sentenced to life; Ahmad Khalaf, sentenced to 21 years; and Nael Salb, sentenced to 31 years.
“The remaining prisoners are from the province of Jerusalem but they do not have a Jerusalem ID card,” added Khuffash. “They are: Shehadeh Abu Nemeh, Ramadan Yacob, Mohammed Afaneh, Mahmoud Issa, and two brothers, Mohammed and Abdel Jawad Shamasneh.” He called for their immediate release.