In spite of the overwhelming odds, the Palestinian Government in Gaza is sparing no effort to challenge the blockade imposed on the sector by setting up public facilities for its people. The government is also seeking alternative means for people to carry on normal lives under siege.
Gaza’s Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyyah, began this endeavour by opening the al-Noor Mosque in the south of Gaza City. His government has managed to carry out substantial repairs on a number of main roads, which previously hindered movement across the Sector. This has resulted in the revival of several businesses that trade along these roads. Mr Haniyyah’s administration has also opened a special school for the deaf and dumb with a new curriculum thus upgrading the standard of education; the Iman Centre for the protection of Palestinian women exposed to physical and psychological harassment and a new chamber for the Palestinian Parliament after the original building was destroyed by the Occupation during the Gaza War.
MEMO Photographer: Mohammed Asad