New evidence shows that the Israeli occupational forces continue to carry out incursions, raids and the abduction of Palestinians on a daily basis in most parts of the West Bank. According to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, there are, on average, almost three incursions every day.
During the week beginning 24 February up to the 3 March, the Israelis carried out at least eighteen incursions into cities and refugee camps across the West Bank during which they abducted thirty four Palestinians, including nine children. A further ten Palestinians were abducted in the city of Jerusalem as well as another three Palestinians, including a child, and three human rights campaigners of various nationalities taking part in peaceful protests. This brought the number of new detainees during that particular week to fifty, of whom ten were children.
The PCHR’s weekly report also records the intimidating behaviour of the Israeli forces during a large-scale incursion in several towns west of Jenin. Surrounding the homes of relatives of those targeted for arrest, the forces subjected the inhabitants to verbal abuse. Among those abused in this way was 74 year old Aida Hamdiya; the old lady is paralysed down her left side and the Israelis forced her into a chair and told her family to carry her about 100 metres to another house. A twenty-four year old mother, with her baby just five days’ old, was forced to sit with the infant and her other children for more than two and a half hours outside in freezing conditions.
According to the PCHR, on the 25 February the Israeli occupation forces moved into Birds of Paradise Kindergarten in the town of Beit Amer, north of Hebron. The doors of the building were damaged when the forces broke them down in order to search it.
Source: Quds Press