Human Rights Watch yesterday urged US Secretary of State John Kerry to raise concerns about Egypt’s human rights record during his meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmi scheduled today.
Earlier this week the US government approved the transfer of 10 Apache helicopters to Egypt, stating that the country is “sustaining the strategic relationship with the United States,” but that it was unable to certify that Egypt is taking steps to support a democratic transition or that it is respecting fundamental rights, two conditions to begin the resumption of US military assistance to Egypt that was restricted following the coup.
“The administration continues to send very mixed message about its priorities in Egypt. In his upcoming meeting with Fahmi, Secretary Kerry needs to be clear about the consequences of the military-backed government’s brutal policies,” Sarah Margon, acting Washington director at Human Rights Watch, said.
“If mass killings, mass arrests and mass death sentences are not enough to make clear that freedoms are far from being ‘restored’ in Egypt, what is?”