– Israel’s anti-African protests, which have turned into full-fledged race-riots, started about a year ago.
– In January 2011, the daughters of Nigerian migrant workers were attacked by a group of Israeli youth. The boys shouted racial slurs at the teenage girls and attacked them with a knife that resulted in injuries.1
– That same night in 2011, a flaming tire was thrown into an apartment shared by Sudanese refugees.2
– Last month, in May, there were a series of fire bombings of apartments and a nursery school in an area in which African migrants live. Shops run by or serving migrants were smashed up and looted in violent demonstrations in which several Africans were attacked.3
– On 27 May 2012, in a malicious act of assault, an Israeli youth throws an egg directly at a Sudanese man and then laughs. Click here to see the video. 4
– On the 03rd of June 2012, a Jerusalem apartment shared by Eritrean asylum seekers was set on fire. Graffiti outside of the apartment read, “Get out of the neighborhood.”5
– In February of 2008, the Israeli Interior Ministry’s Population and Immigration Authority instituted the “Gadera-Hadera policy,” which prohibited migrants from living in the center of the country.6
– In January of 2010, Israel opened up a new front in its war against illegal migration when the government decided to build a fence along its border with Egypt.7
– In November 2010, with no forewarning, migrants’ permission to work in Israel was revoked. A clause stating, “this temporary license does not constitute a work permit” began to be added to migrants’ residence papers.8
– In January of 2012, the state took another far-reaching step by amending the Prevention of Infiltration Law, whose official goal is to deter asylum seekers from entering Israel. According to the new amendment, which went into effect earlier this week, migrants entering Israel can be imprisoned for up to three years.9
– The law also allows the state to bring criminal charges against anyone who aids or provides shelter to migrants, with penalties of up to five years imprisonment.10
– Finally, in a desperate attempt to maintain Jewish majority and exclusivism, Israel has embarked on building the world’s largest detention center to detain migrants and asylum seekers.11
– On 23 May 2012, Israeli Member of Parliament, Miri Regev said: “The Sudanese are a cancer in our body.”12 She later apologized but, bizarrely, to
cancer patients! “When I compared the migrant worker phenomenon to cancer I was referring to the way the phenomenon had spread…I surely did not intend to hurt either Holocaust survivors or cancer patients.”13
– On 03 June 2012, while touring the fence that Israel is building to deter African migrants, Israeli Member of Parliament, Aryeh Eldad, said: “Anyone that penetrates Israel’s border should be shot – a Swedish tourist, Sudanese from Eritrea, Eritreans from Sudan, Asians from Sinai. Whoever touches Israel’s border – shot.” He later conceded that such a policy may not be feasible “because bleeding hearts groups will immediately begin to shriek.”
“We’ll start by ejecting the infiltrators from South Sudan…and then move on to other groups.”
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu
“Whoever can be sent away should be sent away from here as quickly as possible.”
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu
“Do you know that many women in Tel Aviv were raped and are now afraid to report [it to the police] so that won’t be seen as AIDS carriers?”
Israel’s Interior Minister, Eli Yishai
“All human rights activists [who protect Africans] should be imprisoned and transported to camps.”
Israeli Member of Parliament, Yulia Shamalov Berkovitch
“The infiltrators must be distanced immediately …[And] we must remove Africans from population centers.”
Israeli Member of Parliament, Danny Dannon
“A fourth grader [Israeli] girl is studying in the same class with infiltrators’ kids, that you don’t know what diseases they are carrying. These are the worst viral diseases.”
Israeli Parliamentarian, Michael Ben-Ari
“The infiltrators [African immigrants] along with the Palestinians will quickly bring us to the end of the Zionist dream…we don’t need to import more problems from Africa…[they] think the country doesn’t belong to us, the white man”
Israel’s Interior Minister, Eli Yishai
1 http://972mag.com/eritrean-apartment-set-on-fire-in-jerusalem-four-injured/47474/
2 http://972mag.com/eritrean-apartment-set-on-fire-in-jerusalem-four-injured/47474/
3 www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/jun/04/israel-migrant-hate?CMP=twt_gu
4 www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM3chr8j-zg&feature=player_embedded!
5 http://972mag.com/eritrean-apartment-set-on-fire-in-jerusalem-four-injured/47474/
6 www.haaretz.com/news/national/israel-s-five-year-war-on-african-migrants-1.434356
7 www.haaretz.com/news/national/israel-s-five-year-war-on-african-migrants-1.434356
8 www.haaretz.com/news/national/israel-s-five-year-war-on-african-migrants-1.434356
9 www.haaretz.com/news/national/israel-s-five-year-war-on-african-migrants-1.434356
10 www.haaretz.com/news/national/israel-s-five-year-war-on-african-migrants-1.434356
11 www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/apr/17/detention=centre=israel=migration
12 http://972mag.com/kadima-mk-send-leftists-to-prison-camps-mks-attack-african-refugees/47077/
13 www.jta.org/news/article/2012/05/28/3096606/israeli-lawmaker-miri-regev-apologizes-for-calling-african-migrants-a-cancer
Source: BDS South Africa