The political “narrative” of bias full of contradictions, aimed at circumventing the centrality of the humanitarian issue and its repercussions continue as far as the Gaza issue is concerned, despite the extent of the tragedy, and standing on the brink of disaster.
This is reflected in the harshest picture when the question has become: who will rescue Gaza, and how the rescue will be carried out, and not about the necessity of saving a society whose people are heading towards hunger and chaos as a result of a suffocating siege imposed on them for more than 11 years.
This controversy comes to the fore every time Gaza receives a “dose” of support that helps its weak heartbeat in order to survive face to an escalating speech full of the language of treason, and accusations through deliberately manipulating the fundamentals of the Palestinian cause, and diverting the struggle, which seeks to restore the usurped rights.
A glance at the changing escalating rhetoric will show that the state of extreme silence is transparent, although Gaza’s moaning fills space, and its occasional targeting by rockets, missiles, and Israeli attacks silences this rhetoric more and more, but the escalation occurs only when shipments of humanitarian aid from Qatar alone enter the Gaza Strip.
READ: Gaza homes damaged in latest Israeli incursion
This happens while the political obstruction, which reaches nihilism, contributes to igniting this discourse, in addition to the futile attempt to provide a broader Arab and regional polarisation that can be exploited in the violent conflict of coalitions in the region, of which the Palestinian issue is one of its central files.
To avoid further divergence at the political level because of what it contains controversies of the rush, polarisation, and attraction, we need to keep attempting the prevention of more drowning of the humanitarian issue in its abstract form under the calculations of political interests in all its forms.
We see the need to find mechanisms and means that will provide independent channels, away from the political conflict.
It may be necessary to think of a more fundamentally humanitarian approach adopted by the United Nations through the creation of a humanitarian committee or organisation, and even though its existing organisations, which are based on a clear plan of action. Also, ensuring continued humanitarian support for Gaza in an urgent step. This should be adopted as a consistent approach to end the humanitarian crisis experienced by the people of the Strip for many years.
READ: Gaza will always remain a fortress of dignity
This includes the call for holding an international forum for all parties, working in the field of humanitarian action for the Palestinian people – without denying the need for the support of foreign governments – to ensure the success of providing the most significant impetus for this humanitarian support to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and refugee camps.
Parallel to this step, there should be a process of considering the arrangements for lifting the unjust siege on the Gaza Strip and ending the suffering of 2 million people, and thus working to remedy the repercussions of this humanitarian tragedy caused by the blockade.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to recognize the need to set aside the suffering of the sick, the orphans, the infirm, and the hungry children from the conflicts of a political nature. Political action has also its determinants as well as its morals, which does not include increasing human suffering, deepening the suffering of the sick, further starving the hungry, causing a whole people the loss of a glimmer of hope, especially in the experience of the people of Gaza who underwent all forms of misery, torture, and misery. It is time for them to live in safety and dignity, and without fear from the unknown future, as it is time for them to take a breath and rest.
The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.