In solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, the Palestine Book Awards is working with publishers to provide greater access to books on Palestine.
The initiative, which comes hand in hand with the Publishers for Palestine Campaign, hopes to provide readers with an understanding of Palestine’s past, present and future and the life and culture of Palestinians both in Gaza, the occupied West Bank and in the diaspora.
As part of the initiative, Arablit Books and Ebb Books have agreed to provide free e-copies of their PBA 2023 Shortlisted books Out of Time and On Zionist Literature. E-mail us at [email protected] to receive your free copy.
While Among the Almond Trees, which is also Shortlisted for an award, is being offered at half price using the code PBA2023.
Get £3 off Shortlisted book I Sing from the Window of Exile thanks to Drunk Muse Press when using discount code Palestinemuse.
We hope this will help make delving into Palestinian literature more accessible.