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Sudan refuses entry to former Egypt presidential candidate

March 24, 2017 at 4:26 pm

Sources have revealed that the Sudanese authorities have prevented former Egyptian presidential candidate Abdel Moneim Aboul-Fotouh from entering the country and was sent back after arriving in Khartoum International Airport yesterday evening.

According to sources quoted by the Sudan Tribune newspaper, Aboul-Fotouh arrived in the Sudanese capital at 19:00 local time on Thursday on an Egypt Airlines flight to attend the general conference of the Popular Congress Party (PCP), which started today. PCP leader Bashir Adam Rahama was at the airport to greet him.

Read: What’s behind the tension between Sudanese-Egyptian relations?

According to sources, Aboul-Fotouh was told minutes after arriving that he was barred from entering Sudan, but was not given any reasons for this. He was asked to take the next return flight to his country, after receiving an apology from PCP officials.

He is currently the head of the Strong Egypt Party and is a leader formerly affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. He is known for his fierce opposition to the regime of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi.