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Qatar condemns Ben-Gvir's call to build settlements, prevent aid entry to Gaza

May 17, 2024 at 12:15 pm

Itamar Ben Gvir, Israel’s national security minister, during a news conference at the Knesset in Jerusalem, Israel, on, 05 February , 2024 [Kobi Wolf/Bloomberg via Getty Images]

Qatar has strongly condemned Israeli National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, who called to start building settlements in the besieged Gaza Strip and preventing the entry of humanitarian aid to millions of Palestinians trapped in the enclave.

In a statement issued yesterday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said these reprehensible statements clearly reflect Israel’s policy based on expanding settlements and forcibly displacing the Palestinian people, as well as using food as a weapon within the framework of its renewed monstrous crimes and brutal war on Gaza.

The ministry warned that Israel’s continued disregard for international law, especially international humanitarian law, and its imposition of fait accompli will ultimately undermine the prospects for the desired peace, especially with the ongoing war on the sector and its horrifying humanitarian repercussions.

It stressed the need for the international community to urgently align at this critical time to ensure the safe and sustainable entry of humanitarian aid without obstacles to all areas of the Gaza Strip, to avoid further atrocities and horrors against civilians, especially children and women.

On Tuesday, Ben-Gvir along with far-right ministers attended  an ultra-nationalist march and rally in the settlement of Sderot, close to Gaza.

Speaking at the rally, Ben-Gvir claimed the “voluntary emigration” of Palestinians from Gaza should be promoted while Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi insisted that the resettlement of Gaza was the only way to ensure Israel’s security.

According to reports, rally organisers claimed that some 50,000 people attended the Independence Day march promoted under the banner of building Jewish settlements in Gaza from where some 15 settlements and around 8,500 settlers were removed in 2005.

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