The Syrian regime of Bashar Al-Assad is estimated to have killed 10,000 women over the past 30 months, through “bombings, executions and torture”. The claim has been made by the Syrian National Coalition opposition group, which added that women in Syria “continue to be the most damaged by the systematic violence perpetrated by the regime’s armed forces.”
In a press release on Tuesday, the coalition claimed that recorded incidents where women have been killed by the regime include those who have been burnt alive and thrown from high buildings and mountains. While the victims have been men, women and children, those responsible have included “mercenaries” from Iran, Iraq and Lebanon, it is alleged.
More than 1.6 million Syrian women are among the refugees who have fled the violence in their country, said the coalition, which also accuses the Assad regime of “starving” people to death. Moreover, it is claimed that there are “thousands” of incidents of rape at the hands of the regime’s armed forces. “Many of the women were raped and then murdered.”
Nevertheless, the opposition group hailed Syrian women and their “active participation in the revolution” and their “support for their revolutionary brothers and sons.” It praised the Syrian women’s “strong faith” that victory is drawing near.
The Syrian National Coalition called on the United Nations to announce that wearing a red ribbon will signify solidarity with all women embroiled in national struggles. “The women who have been killed in Syria by the Assad regime are no less important than the Dominican activists who died at the hands of the tyrant Rafael Trujillo.”